Pengaruh Kelas ibu hamil terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap ibu tentang perawatan kehamilan, persalinan, nifas

Di wilayah Puskesmas Pargarutan Kecamatan Angkola Timur Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan Tahun 20198


  • Meidiawaty Siregar Kebidanan
  • Masdewi Nasution


Kata Kunci:

Kelas ibu hamil, pengetahuan, sikap ibu


Class pregnant women is study group mothers pregnant to the number of participants maximum of 10 people.The goal of research to know the influence of class pregnant women to knowledge and attitude pregnant women about care during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.

Research using quantitative methods with quasi experimental design using design of pre and post test. Population i.e. 133 pregnant women at work-area Community Health Centre, district of Pargarutan, South Tapanuli, divided into 2 groups of controls (which is not given a class of pregnant women) and treatment (given the intervention class of pregnant women).). Data analysis using the wilcoxon test on the level of significance of ? = 0.05 to measure an increase in knowledge and attitudes about the care of pregnancy, labor and childbirth. Then use the chi-square test to see the differences of knowledge and attitudes about treatment during pregnancy, labor and childbirth in the treatment group and the control group.

Keywords :class pregnant women; knowledge; attitude; care during pregnancy; childbirth and parturition


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