
  • Nandini Suharyati Martilasari Politeknik Kesehatan Tasikmalaya
  • Entin Jubaedah Poltekkes Kemenkes Tasikmalaya
  • Elfi Elfi Poltekkes Kemenkes Tasikmalaya



Bimbingan, Preseptor Klinik, Mahasiswa, Pencapaian Praktik Klinik, Guidance, Clinical Preceptor, Clinical Practice Achievement, Students





According to the data resource of SKDI 2012, mothers' mortality rate is up and  infant mortality rate is down slowly. In this case, it can be influenced by some factors, one of the factor is the competence of midwifery in giving midwifery care especially in handling emergency cases. Support involvement of supervisors  in institutions, Clinics and students used the process of preseptorship. This process was very important to do in improving the competence of midwifes. The purpose of this research is to determine an influence of clinical practice preceptor guidance process towards on the achievement of emergency  clinical practice at the 3rd grade of 6 semester students diploma IV midwifery cirebon polytechnic health kemenkes tasikmalaya year 2017.

Method Using cross selectional design. The populations which were took from  the 3rd grade of 6 semester students diploma IV midwifery cirebon academic year 2017/2018 were 37 students. The technique of sample used total sampling. The instrument used a questionnaire which took likert scale form. The analysis of univariate and bivariate data used statistical product and service solution (SPSS) with mann-whitney test. Applying the appropriate clinical perceptor guidance process is on 28 students (75,7%). The average of the achievement of emergency clinical practice in appropriate guidance group was 82, 61. Meanwhile, in the guidance group got 81,56. Mann-whitney test got p value 0,025. Students who get good clinical preceptor guidance are possibly to have a good result also in  the achievement of emergency clinical practice. Suggestion: preceptor needs to apply the preceptorship guidance process with the appropriate standardization during clinical practice. So that the students can improve their result of learning and the preceptor can provide more time to do a guidance when there is no case


Keywords: Guidance; Clinical preceptor; Clinical practice achievement; Students.




Berdasarkan data SDKI 2012 Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) meningkat dan Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) menunjukkan penurunan yang lambat hal ini dipengaruhi banyak faktor salah satunya kompetensi bidan dalam memberikan asuhan kebidanan terutama dalam menangani kasus kegawatdaruratan. Dukungan keterlibatan pembimbing di institusi, klinik dan mahasiswa menggunakan proses preseptorship sangat penting untuk dilakukan dalam meningkatkan kompetensi bidan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh Proses Bimbingan Preseptor Klinik Terhadap Pencapaian Praktik Klinik Kegawatdaruratan (PK II) Pada Mahasiswa Tingkat III Semester VI Program Studi D.IV Kebidanan Cirebon Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Tasikmalaya Tahun 2017. Metode penelitian menggunakan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi mahasiswa tingkat III semester VI Program Studi D.IV Kebidanan Cirebon Tahun Akademik 2017/2018 sejumlah 37 mahasiswa, teknik sampel total sampling. Instrumen menggunakan kuesioner bentuk skala likert. Analisis data univariat dan bivariat menggunakan Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) dengan uji Mann-Whitney. Penerapan proses bimbingan preseptor klinik yang sesuai 28 mahasiswa (75,7%), Rerata (Mean) Pencapaian Praktik Klinik Kegawatdaruratan (PK II) pada Kelompok Bimbingan Sesuai adalah 82,61 sedangkan pada Kelompok Bimbingan Tidak Sesuai 81,56. Uji Mann-Whitney  didapatkan p value 0,025. Mahasiswa yang mendapatkan bimbingan preseptor klinik dengan baik lebih berpeluang memiliki pencapaian Praktik Klinik Kegawatdaruratan (PK II) yang baik. Saran: Preseptor perlu menerapkan proses bimbingan preseptorship yang sesuai standar selama praktik klinik agar hasil belajar mahasiswa dapat meningkat dan Preseptor agar menyediakan waktu lebih banyak untuk melakukan bimbingan pada saat tidak ada kasus.


Kata Kunci: Bimbingan; Preseptor klinik; Pencapaian Praktik Klinik; Mahasiswa.


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