
  • Siti Aisyah Nasution Rumah Sakit Umum Pendidikan Haji Adam Malik Medan


Pleural Effusion, Pleural fluid, Screening


Background and aims: The lungs are wrapped by a membrane called the pleura and between the membranes and the lungs there is a pleural cavity which normally contains around 10-20 ml of fluid which serves as a lubricant so that the lungs can move freely while breathing. Pleural fluid screening is done by macroscopic observation of pleural fluid due to color, character (viscosity and turbidity) and odor maybe the either diagnostic or helpful in diagnosis. The objective of this study is to determine the most results from macroscopic screening of pleural fluid from pleural effusion at Anatomical Pathology Laboratory Unit of Central General Hospital of Haji Adam Malik, Medan. Methods: The study was a descriptive survey with primary data and secondary data. Conducted on June 2019 at the Anatomical Pathology Laboratory Unit of Haji Adam Malik Hospital, Medan. A total samples of 31 pleural fluid samples were macroscopic screened. Results: 31 pleural fluid samples that have been carried out by macroscopic screening showed that the color of the pleural fluid was red as much as 41.93%, thick pleural fluid 6.45%, and cloudy pleural fluid 74.20%. There more than 80% compatibility between macroscopic pleural fluid and estimated diagnosis. Also obtained data of patients with pleural effusion were most women as much as 51.61% and the most etiology of pleural effusion was inflammation of 86.21%. Conclusions: Most of pleural fluid samples showed compatibility with macroscopic and estimated diagnosis.


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