Background and aims: Worm disease is a common people disease that encountered in rural areas, infections can occur simultaneously by several types of worms at once. For children, the worm disease will have an impact for the impaired learning ability, and for adult will decreasing the work productivity. At the North Sumatra, especially Medan City, prevalence of worms in children around (60-70%) of all cases. The aim of this study was to investigate a relationship between Soil Transmitted Helminths infection and the characteristics of the community around the farm. Methods: The study was conducted on March-June 2018. Soil Transmitted Helminths was determined at Parasitology Laboratory of Medical Laboratory Technology, Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan by using eosin 2% method, with population of 26 samples. The research was analytic observational using cross sectional design. The data obtained were analyzed using chi-square test at 95% confidence level (p< 0.05). Results: of 26 samples, there were 5 samples that was infected by the Ascaris lumbricoides (20%), correlation between of Soil Transmitted Helminths infections with the ages are 19.2% only for children, with the gender are 11.15% for male and 7.7% for female. The correlation between infections of Soil Transmitted Helminths with the education is 19.2% for the Elementary School. Correlation between the infections of Soil Transmitted Helminths with the work is 19.2%.Conclusions: Chi-square test obtained that there was a correlation between education levels with Soil Transmitted Helminths infection (p = 0.007).
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