
  • Suryani M.F. Situmeang Jurusan teknologi Laboratorium Medis, Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan
  • Teranguli J Sembiring Jurusan teknologi Laboratorium Medis, Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan


Hand Sanitizer, Number of germ, Washing hand


Background and aims: Washing hands with soap and water can more effectively clean the dirt that clings to the surface of the skin, nails and fingers on both hands, but sometimes washing hands becomes difficult because it's not always easy to find water and soap. Along with the development of knowledge, hand washing activities have been seen to be more practical, namely by using an antiseptic liquid or gel that can be used anywhere and anytime without having to rinse with water, called hand sanitizer. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of hand sanitizer. Methods: The design of this study was Quasi Experiments that conducted at the Bacteriology Laboratory of the Poltekkes Kemenkes Medan, majoring of Medical Laboratory Technology from September to November 2018 with a sample of 2 brands of hand sanitizers. Results: The results of this study showed that the treatment before and after the use of 2 brands of hand sanitizer is significantly effective in killing germs on the hands, with the results of the treatment after the use of hand sanitizers reduced compared to the treatment before the use of Hand Sanitizers. Conclusions: Hand sanitizers were effective in killing germs on the hands.


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