Proceeding International Conference On Health Science 2024-03-28T03:24:13+00:00 Dr. Rismahara Lubis, SSiT, M.Kes Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Proceedings International Conference On Health Research And Science</strong></p> UTILIZING LOCALLY PROCESSED REBON SHRIMP (MYSIS RELICTA) AS FUNCTIONAL FOOD TO ALLEVIATE ANEMIA IN PREGNANT WOMEN 2024-03-26T23:54:35+00:00 Zuraidah Nasution Ida Nurhayati Dame Evalina Simangunsong Herlinawati <p><em>Chronic energy deficiency (CED) during pregnancy contributes to anemia, leading to maternal and fetal complications. This study aims to explore the potential of locally processed Rebon shrimp (Mysis Relicta) as functional food to mitigate anemia in pregnant women. We developed Levon Shrimp Senbei, a premixed flour combining wheat flour and kidney beans, as an intervention strategy. A randomized controlled laboratory experiment included three treatments: chocolate, almond, and original. Pregnant women from Pematang Monastery, Deli Serdang Regency, were part of a quasi-experimental study with pre- and post-intervention assessments. While Levon Shrimp Crackers with Chocolate and Almonds emerged as preferred recipes, further investigation is needed to assess their impact on anemia. Detailed statistical analyses underpin the results, with implications for enhancing maternal nutrition and fetal well-being.y</em></p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CUPPING THERAPY AND INTERLEUKIN-6 LEVELS IN PATIENTS WITH SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS IN REMISSION EXPERIENCING PAIN: A SCOPING REVIEW 2024-03-27T02:10:40+00:00 Dian Wahyuni Legiran Irsan Saleh Eddy Mart Salim <p><em>Introduction: Pain management in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) patients is complex due to the diverse nature of pain and the potential side effects of medicine. Alternative approaches such as physical therapy, mind-body techniques, and complementary therapies show potential in reducing pain and improving overall well-being. A collaborative and personalized pain management plan, involving healthcare providers from multiple disciplines, is critical to addressing the complex challenges associated with pain in SLE patients. Cupping, has been shown to reduce pain complaints. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) as one of the biomarkers in pain and SLE. Limited knowledge about the impact of cupping therapy on IL-6 levels in remission SLE patients who experience pain requires in-depth research. Objective: to understand the effect of cupping on pain and inflammation management based on changes in IL-6 levels. Method: literature study using Publish or Perish application, indexed by Scopus, title "SLE Remission"; "Pain in SLE" Inclusion criteria: free and complete access, limited to review literature in English, period 2018-2023. Articles titled "IL-6 SLE", "Interleukin 6 SLE", "Cupping Interleukin 6", "Cupping IL-6", and "Cupping" with the keywords "IL-6" or "Interleukin-6" with similar inclusion criteria, but covering all types of articles. Results: title "SLE Remission", two articles; "Pain in SLE" two articles; "Cupping Pain", nine articles; "IL-6 SLE" three articles; "Cupping" with the keyword "IL-6", four articles. Conclusion: wet cupping has potential anti-inflammatory effects on musculoskeletal conditions and may affect IL-6 levels in SLE remission patients, while the association between IL-6, dry cupping, and pain in remitted SLE patients still requires further research.</em></p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science BREASTFEEDING, MALOCCLUSION AND DENTAL 2024-03-27T02:16:13+00:00 Ngena Ria Ameta Primasari <p><em>Breastfeeding has many health benefits for both the mother and infant, such an ideal nutrition, intake of best enzymes and antibody as well as psychologically attachment to mothers. Infants should be exclusively breastfed to achieve optimal growth, development and health Breastfeeding is one of the cornerstones of a correct maxillofacial growth because it promotes proper lip seal, mandibular function and tongue correct position against the palate. In addition to the duration, appropriate positioning of the baby’s body is important for good attachment and successful feeding. The method for writing this article is based on searches of scientific literature and also the results of research that has been carried out. There</em> <em>are significant differences of all variables measured between the children in babyhood who were breastfed and no breastfed (p &lt; 0.05). Based on a lot of literature and the results of research that has been carried out, it is known that giving breast milk provides benefits not only to the baby but also to the mother. Exclusive breastfeeding is the best option in the early stages, it is not an all or nothing option. </em></p> 2024-03-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science EFFECT OF ADDING SORGHUM FLOUR TO CHOCO DRINK ON ADOLESCENTS' BLOOD SUGAR 2024-03-27T02:25:04+00:00 Rosalinda Abir Hanifah1 Budiyanti Wiboworini Veronika Ika Budiastuti <p><em>One way to prevent diabetes mellitus can be done by utilizing local foods such as chocolate and sorghum, which are rich in polyphenols that can reduce blood sugar levels. The purpose of this study was to analyze various choco drink formulations on blood sugar levels in adolescents. This research is a quasi-experimental with pre-post test control group design. The research subjects were 45 17-18 year old adolescents who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Measurement of blood sugar levels was carried out on days 0 and 15, subjects fasted 8-10 hours before blood collection. Subjects were given choco drink as much as 200 ml for 14 days. Data were analyzed using the Paired Sample T-test to determine differences in blood sugar levels pre-post intervention. Differences in blood sugar levels between groups were carried out using the One-way ANOVA test if the data were normally distributed and the Kruskal Wallis test if the data were not normally distributed. </em><em>The results of measuring blood sugar levels in each group showed differences pre-post being given the intervention for 14 days. delta mean blood sugar levels after being given the intervention group P1: -5±-1.672 (?=0.002) and P2 group: -5±-1,899 (?=0,027). The Mann-Whitney test results showed that significant differences were located in the P1-K and P2-K groups (??0.05). This study concluded that the provision of intervention for 14 days showed that there were differences in reducing adolescent blood sugar in groups P1 and P2.</em></p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science THE EFFECT OF GREEN COCONUT JUICE ON REDUCING DYSMENORRHEA IN FEMALE ADOLESCENTS AT THE DORMITORY OF MIDWIFERY STUDENT OF MEDAN HEALTH POLYTECHNIC 2024-03-27T02:28:57+00:00 Kristiani Sembiring1 Yusniar Siregar Yulina Dwi Hastuty <p><em>Dysmenorrhea is pain in the lower abdomen, ranging from cramps in the uterus to pain in the back that can interfere with a woman's daily activities. Through data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2018, it is known that the incidence of dysmenorrhea in the world is very large, more than 50% of women in every country experience dysmenorrhea. The prevalence of dysmenorrhea in each country varies, in Sweden it reaches 75%, in the United States it is estimated that almost 90% of women experience dysmenorrhea and 10-15% of them have severe dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea can interfere with activities, lead to lower academic performance, impede sleep performance and quality, negatively impact mood, and cause anxiety and depression. In addition, young women with dysmenorrhea will feel limited when doing activities, especially while studying at school. This study aims to determine the effect of green coconut water on reducing menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) in young women. </em></p> <p><em>This research is a pre-experimental study designed with one group pretest and posttest design, where 15 female adolescents with dysmenorrhea were taken as a sample which was obtained through accidental sampling technique. Data were analyzed univariately and bivariately and tested with the Wilcoxon test</em>.</p> <p><em>Through research, the average value of dysmenorrhea pain was obtained as follows: before consuming green coconut water it was 5.80, while after consuming it it was 2.00; Through statistical test results obtained a p-value of 0.000, with a mean difference of 3.8, which indicates that there is an effect of consumption of green coconut water on reducing menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) in female adolescents. </em></p> <p><em>There is an effect of consumption of green coconut water on reducing menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) in female adolescents at the Dormitory of Midwifery student of Medan Health Polytechnic in 2023.</em></p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH PERINEAL RUPTURE IN WOMEN GIVING BIRTH AT THE CILANDAK DISTRICT HEALTH CENTER 2024-03-27T02:33:20+00:00 Vera Suzana Dewi Haris Suryani <p><em>There is still a high incidence of perineal rupture in women giving birth at the Cilandak District Health Center in 2022, amounting to 80.27%, which results in maternal death, therefore researchers are interested in knowing more about the extent to which perineal rupture occurs in birthing women at the Cilandak District Health Center, South Jakarta. The aim of this study was to determine the factors associated with perineal rupture in women giving birth at the Cilandak District Health Center in 2023. This study used an analytical cross-sectional design with a research sample of 203 people who experienced perineal rupture. Research results: it was found that the most perineal ruptures were in grade 2 at 83%, based on maternal age at 20 - 35 years it was 93%, those who did not experience an episiotomy was 87%, based on birth weight ?2500 grams it was 95%. There is a significant relationship in all variables with perineal rupture in mothers giving birth, namely Age (P value = 0.017 with OR of 0.199), episiotomy (P value = 0.002 with OR 3.217), Birth Weight (P value = 0.001 with OR 0.163), Parity (P value = 0.009 with OR 2.143). From the research results, it was found that there was a significant relationship between perineal rupture and maternal age, episiotomy, birth weight, and parity at the Cilandak District Health Center, South Jakarta in 2023. Midwives need to further increase the provision of education and motivation for mothers to do pregnancy exercises to prevent rupture uterus.</em></p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science THE IMPORTANCE OF MICRONUTRIENT INTAKE IN STUNTING PREVENTION: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS 2024-03-27T02:41:03+00:00 Dewi Setiyawati Sri Wahyuni Nita Andriani Lubis <p><em>The importance of micronutrient intake in preventing stunting is the main focus in this critical analysis. Stunting, as a global child health issue, requires a holistic approach that not only involves nutritional aspects, but also socio-economic factors. This analysis looks at the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia, highlighting regional inequalities and socio-economic factors as significant contributors. The long-term impact of stunting on economic productivity drives the urgency of investing in prevention. The main aim of this research is to provide an in-depth analysis of the role of micronutrients, such as iron, vitamin A and zinc, in the context of stunting prevention. The research method involved a literature review to explore the complex relationship between micronutrients and child growth. The results suggest that a deep understanding of the role of micronutrients is key to designing effective interventions. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the impact of micronutrients on child growth, motivates further discussion, and provides the basis for more effective stunting prevention policies.</em></p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science PREVENTION OF PULMONARY TB TRANSMISSION IN THE FAMILY: LITERATURE REVIEW 2024-03-27T02:45:55+00:00 Wirda Faswita Johani Dewita Nasution <p><em>Family is the main source of transmission and plays an important role in healing family members of pulmonary TB sufferers. Prevention of transmission of pulmonary TB in families globally is not implemented well at 95 percent, in fact cases of pulmonary TB tend to be hidden, which causes the number of pulmonary TB sufferers to increase. This research is a literature review. The transmission of Tuberculosis in families that occurs can be influenced by remote areas with difficult access to health care, discrimination and community stigma </em>(Kolte <em>et al.</em>, 2020)<em>. Families who live in the same house as pulmonary TB sufferers account for 20.7 percent of cases causing pulmonary TB transmission and the source of TB infection in the family comes from close family(Kozi?ska and Augustynowicz-Kope?, 2016). The aim of this study to collect and analyze articles related to preventing the transmission of pulmonary TB in the family. The data synthesis process in this research was by comparing 13 pieces of literature that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria with the database sources used, namely: Scholar, Proquest and Ebsco. Data is processed and presented in tabulated form. The results of the research show that in several countries such as Indonesia, Brazil, Ethiopia, Geneva, Kenya and Korea, which were reviewed using a reference system, eight literatures (61.53%) were found to discuss preventing transmission of pulmonary TB in the family and the causes of transmission of pulmonary TB in the family, namely five pieces of literature. (38.47%). Factors that cause transmission are home conditions that do not allow separation between sufferers and other family members, room lighting conditions that act as a breeding ground for bacteria which slows down the healing process for pulmonary TB.</em></p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science CORRELATION OF ANXIETY TO DIABETES MELLITUS PATIENTS WITH SELF MANAGEMENT: A QUALITATIVE STUDY 2024-03-27T02:49:35+00:00 Cipta Citra Karyani Gulo Ismed Krisman Amazihono Ardika Fifin Fatma Zebua <p><em>Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease caused by the inability of certain organs, especially the pancreas, to produce adequate amounts of insulin, so that the insulin produced is ineffective. Anxiety is a feeling that arises because of worry about something, perhaps because it is unclear and related to a danger that will not occur in the future. Self-management is setting eating patterns, increasing physical activity, availability of diabetes drugs and regular use, and routine blood glucose checks. This study aims to identify the correlation between the anxiety level of patients diabetes mellitus and self-management at the Gunungsitoli Barat Health Center In 2023. This research is a quantitative study, examining 58 respondents who were obtained through a purposive sampling technique and tested with the Spearman correlation test. Through this research, a correlation was obtained between patient anxiety and self-management, where the P value = 0.029, P &lt;0.05, with a correlation value of 0.286, which has a correlation value in the weak category. It is hoped that this research can add insight to patients about self-management and motivate them to carry out self-management</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science RISK FACTORS FOR RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME IN NEWBORN BABIES 2024-03-27T02:53:47+00:00 Jojor Silaban <p>Respiratory Distress Syndrome&nbsp; (RDS), also known in Bahasa as Penyakit Membran Hyaline (PMH), is a respiratory disorder commonly occurs in premature babies with symptoms such as the following like chest retraction tachypnea, cyanosis due to stagnant and worsening room air at 48-96 hours of life using a specific chest X-ray. The cause is a lack of surfactant. In Southeast Asia, the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in premature babies is RDS (Respiratory Distress Syndrome ). Based on medical records data from Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Sidikalang (Sidikalang Regional General Hospital) in 2019 for the period January to June, the number of newborn patients treated in the perinatology room was 366 (three hundred and sixty six) babies, and around 60% suffered respiratory problems like RDS. This research is an analytical observational study with a cross sectional approach. The sample population of this research was 320 newborns treated in the perinatology room at Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Sidikalang from January to June 2019, with total sampling carried out. The results of this study showed that the risk factors Respiratory Distress Syndrome&nbsp; for newborns at the Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Sidikalang are gestational age with value p 0.001, and the type of delivery with value p 0.000 and neonatal asphyxia with value p 0.000, while birth weight and gender has not been proven to be a risk factor for RDS. It is necessary to educate pregnant women to avoid caesarean section deliveries without indications.</p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science ONG BOLSTER NEST EFFECTIVELY NORMALIZE HEART RATE, INCREASE OXYGEN SATURATION AND BODY WEIGHT IN LOW-BIRTH-WEIGHT INFANTS IN THE NICU OF PIRNGADI GENERAL HOSPITAL IN MEDAN 2024-03-27T02:56:51+00:00 Tiurlan Mariasima Doloksaribu <p><em>Low Birth Weight (LBW) suffers from various health problems due to organ maturity as indicated by abnormal heart rate and low oxygen saturation. Babies have difficulty in adapting extra uterine environment, so they need special care. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is the best place for treatment, but the characteristics of this place have the potential to cause physiological stress due to bright lighting, high sound intensity and the baby's position. A comfortable environment can be created through the Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program method, one of which is the use of long bolster nest. The frequency of heartbeats beats per minute, the value of oxygen saturation and the baby's weight are indications of the effectiveness of using a long bolster nest. </em></p> <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of using a long bolster nest to normalize heart rate, increase oxygen saturation and body weight in LBW infants in the NICU of Pirngadi General Hospital in Medan.</em></p> <p><em>Quasi-experimental research method with two groups before and after design. Respondents were LBW in the NICU of Pirngadi General Hospital in Medan, samples of 56 respondents, 28 respondents each group. Sampling by consecutive sampling. </em></p> <p><em>The results of the intervention group study from day 0 to day 5 showed the average oxygen saturation levels and body weight increased regularly and the average heart rate beats per minute became normal regularly. In the control group, the values of oxygen saturation, heart rate and body weight experienced fluctuating phases, namely up and down or unstable. In conclusion, long bolster nest are effective in supporting the physiological adaptation of LBW.</em></p> 2024-03-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science THE INFLUENCE OF ATTITUDINAL AND MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS OF WOMEN OF CHILDBEARING AGE (WUS) ON THE ACTION OF CERVICAL CANCER SCREENING ACETIC ACID VISUAL INSPECTION METHOD (IVA) IN THE WORKING AREA OF SITINJO HEALTH CENTRE DAIRI DISTRICT 2024-03-27T02:58:53+00:00 Risdiana Melinda Naibaho <p><em>Cervical cancer is a carcinoma that grows inside the cervix / cervix caused by HVP (Human Paviloma Virus). in Indonesia shows an increase from 1.4 per 1000 population in 2013 to 1.79 per 1000 population in 2018. This cancer should be found at an earlier stage, but is often recognised at an advanced stage (70%) leading to a high mortality rate. The coverage of early detection of cervical cancer in 2018 reached 7.34, 77,969 IVA positives were found. Visual Inspection of Acetic Acid (IVA) is a cervical cancer screening examination by visual inspection of the cervix with the application of acetic acid which is cheaper, practical, and very easy to do with simple equipment, The purpose of this research is to analyse the effect of Attitude and Motivation factors of Women of Fertile Age (WUS) on the action of Cervical Cancer Screening with the Acetic Visual Inspection Method. This study is a quantitative study using a cross sectional research design. The sample in the study was 92 women of childbearing age by means of Probability Sampling with Simple Random Sampling technique.&nbsp; The results of the Chi-Square statistical test showed that there was a relationship between attitude with a p value of 0.000 &lt;0.05, motivation p value 0.000 &lt;0.05 with the action of cervical cancer screening IVA method. Increase the motivation of WUS with Health Education for early detection of cervical cancer by VIA test method.</em></p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science OVERVIEW OF HANDLING PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH AND POSTPARTUM CONTINUOUSLY FOR THE 2019-2022 PERIOD 2024-03-27T03:01:32+00:00 Kandace Sianipar¬ Renny Sinaga <p><em>The student's final assignment report (LTA) is a report on the results of providing midwifery care to pregnant women until the postpartum period, including caring for newborns and selecting contraception on an ongoing basis with a midwifery management approach to help overcome patient health problems comprehensively. The LTA form for DIII Midwifery Program students is a report on continuous case management (continuity of care) since the end of the fifth semester with lecturer guidance. Midwifery care provided is during pregnancy, postpartum delivery and with newborn babies. Based on this, researchers are interested in exploring the description of the management of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum in a sustainable manner for the 2019-2022 period. This research aims to identify a picture of sustainable management of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period 2019-2022. The research results show that the majority of mothers age is in the healthy reproductive category, the mother's employment status is not working, and the husband is self-employed. The majority of mothers' pregnancies were secundigravida, had no history of abnormal births, and the majority had no complications in previous births the average weight of the mothers before and during pregnancy was 50 kg to 70 kg. The baby's weight is 2500 gr to 3500 gr, and the complaint during the postpartum period is pain in the perineum. The mother's lactation is in the normal category and the contraceptive method that the mother wants to use and has previously used is injectable contraception..</em></p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PUZZLE MEDIA ON THE KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDES OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CHILDREN 2024-03-27T03:04:02+00:00 Abdul Hairuddin Angkat Emi Inayah Sari Siregar <p><em>School-aged children are the nation's investment, who are the successors of development in Indonesia. The nutritional needs of school children based on the nutritional adequacy rate are 1850–2100 kcal. These nutritional needs include breakfast. Breakfast contributes around a quarter to a third of daily nutritional needs, namely around 400-600 calories. Based on Basic Health Research in 2018, 10% of school age children consumed breakfast with an energy intake of 30% and 26% of children consumed low quality breakfast, such as water, milk or tea.</em></p> <p><em>The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of puzzle media on knowledge and attitudes about breakfast frequency before and after the intervention.</em></p> <p><em>This research was conducted at Ash-Sholihah Islamic Elementary School. The type of research is Quasi Intervention Design with a pre-test and post-test research design. The population in this study were 55 students at class VI. Sample was total population. The research was carried out with counseling using puzzle media for 40 minutes. Pre-test was carried out before the counseling and a post-test was carried out 10 days after the counseling.</em></p> <p><em>The results of the research are the availability of educational media, namely a puzzle game about breakfast which consists of two parts, namely the benefits of breakfast and the portion of breakfast. The average knowledge of respondents about breakfast at the pre-test was 20.27 and the post-test results were 26.58 points. The average breakfast attitude score in the pre-test was 15.65 and the post-test result was 18.24 points. Based on statistical tests using the independent-sample t-test, it shows a probability value of p = 0.001. It can be concluded that on average there is a real difference in the knowledge and breakfast attitudes of respondents before and after the counseling. Through this research, we can found an interesting and fun education to increase the knowledge of children.</em></p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SIBOLGA CITY GOVERNMENT'S EFFORTS IN DRUG EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DRUG ABUSE CASES IN SIBOLGA CITY 2024-03-27T03:06:39+00:00 Yusniar Muthoh Hariani <p>Indonesia is in a drug emergency and will experience a lost generation. Drugs have become a national disaster because the number of victims is very large and the tendency is to increase year after year. The government has a national policy with the issuance of a Minister of Home Affairs Regulation to Governors, Regents and Mayors covering regulations, outreach, early detection, empowerment, regional mapping, facilities and data/information. On average, 50 people die every day due to drugs. Around 18,000 people per year die due to drug abuse. The aim of the research is to determine the relationship between Sibolga City Government's efforts in responding to drug emergencies and the high number of drug abuse cases in Sibolga City. This research is a quantitative cross-sectional design using the chi-square method, the population is people who work in the Sibolga City government as government employees or as freelancer. The total sample is 100 people with the variables Regulation, Socialization, Early Detection, Empowerment, Regional Mapping, Facilities and Information. The conclusion was that only 1 independent variable showed a significant relationship, namely the socialization variable with p &lt; 0.005 with a value of 0.001. This means that there is a significant relationship between the government's efforts to respond to drug emergencies and drug abuse in Sibolga City. Suggestions to the Sibolga City government to actively campaign against drug abuse regularly, continuously, involving all levels of society and using methods that are interesting, not boring and tailored to the target.</p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science THE EFFECT OF PLAYING ORIGAMI ON CHILDREN'S FINE MOTOR DEVELOPMENT USING DENVER II AT AGE 3-5 YEARS AT TK SOLA FIDE SCHOOL MEDAN 2024-03-27T03:10:40+00:00 Tiurlan Mariasima Doloksaribu Maria Magdalena Saragi R2 <p><em>Playing origami is an activity of folding paper with fingers to train the development of hand and finger muscles and to train children's imagination. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of children's fine motor skills before and after playing origami in children aged 3-5 years at Sola Fide School Medan Kindergarten. The type and design of the research used was a quasi experiment (pseudo experiment) with a one group pretest-posttest research design. Data collection using the Denver II checklist sheet, which is a standardized instrument that can measure the ability of fine motoric development of children aged 0-6 years. The tools used are 8 cubes, pencils and drawing paper while the tools used for the origami play intervention are origami paper of various colors, scissors and glue or adhesive. The population in the study were children aged 3-5 years who were students at Sola Fide School Medan Kindergarten. The sample was taken with a total sampling technique of 19 children. </em></p> <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of playing origami in improving the fine motor skills of children aged 3-5 years at Sola Fide School Medan Kindergarten in 2021.</em></p> <p><em>The results of the t-test statistical test showed that fine motor skills after the origami play intervention were 0.004 where the p value was &lt;0.05 and increased by 2.42 times better after receiving the origami play intervention. It can be concluded that there is an effect of playing origami on the fine motor skills of children aged 3-5 years at Sola Fide School Medan Kindergarten. Researchers suggest that children aged 3-5 years do more origami play activities to improve children's fine motor skills.</em></p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science PREGNANT WOMEN KNOWLEDGE ABOUT PREECLAMPSIA 2024-03-27T03:13:42+00:00 Dodoh Khodijah Rismahara Lubis Tengku Sri Wahyuni <p><em>Deli Serdang is one of the districts that contribute to maternal mortality in North Sumatra Province. In 2019, preeclampsia became the main cause of maternal death in Deli Serdang Regency. Pregnant women who have good knowledge about pre-eclampsia have been shown to have received timely medical intervention and have had fewer adverse outcomes. The aim was to identify pregnant women knowledge about pre-eclampsia in Hamparan Perak District, Deli Serdang Regency. </em><em>The study design was cross-sectional. The research sample was 143 pregnant women in Hamparan Perak District. Data were collected using a closed questionnaire and analyzed by chi square test and logistic regression</em><em>. Respondents who have good knowledge about preeclampsia (29.4%). Multivariable analysis showed that education and parity were significantly related to knowledge about preeclampsia. Age, occupation, family history of preeclampsia, history of preeclampsia in previous pregnancies, gestational age, gestational interval were not related to knowledge of preeclampsia. Respondents who have good knowledge about preeclampsia (29.5%). It can be concluded that the accuracy of measuring</em></p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science FAMILY SUPPORT IN MONITORING ADHERENCE TO TAKING MEDICATION IN PATIENTS WITH PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS 2024-03-27T03:42:26+00:00 Putri Kristina Emelia Silaban Dame Evalina Simangunsong <p class="Default" style="text-align: justify;"><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif;">Pulmonary Tuberculosis is one of the 10 main causes of death worldwide from WHO observation levels. Tuberculosis attacks more men than women throughout the world and in 30 countries. The aim of this research is to find out the picture of family support in monitoring medication adherence in Pulmonary TB sufferers in Special Lung Hospital, North Sumatra Province.The type of research is descriptive quantitative with a cross sectional design. In this study there were 66 respondents and the sampling technique was Accidental Sampling. Data collection was by using a questionnaire. The research results showed that family support in the form of appreciation and information support was more dominant, as many as 81.8% of pulmonary TB sufferers were compliant in taking OAT.It is recommended that the Special Lung Hospital staff carry out clear and continuous information dissemination about medication adherence and routine control.</span></em></p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding International Conference On Health Science ANALYSIS OF FACTORS CAUSING COUPLES OF CHILDBEARING AGE (PUS) NOT TO PERFORM VISUAL INSPECTION OF ACETIC ACID (IVA) IN VILLAGE SEKIP LUBUK PAKAM 2024-03-28T03:21:15+00:00 Tifani Situmorang Yulina Dwi Hastuty Suswati <p>Cervical cancer is one of several health problems that threaten women's lives and ranks among the top causes of death in women in the world. In Indonesia, more than 15,000 cases of cervical cancer are detected every year and about 8,000 of them end in death. Cervical cancer. Early detection can be done through visual acetate inspection (IVA). In Sekip Village, Lubuk Pakam, women of childbearing age who perform IVA examinations are only 10%. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence childbearing age couples (PUS) not to perform IVA tests. This type of research is descriptive analytic with cross sectional design, the population in this study were all women of childbearing age (PUS) in Sekip Lubuk Pakam totaling 169 respondents and the sample was 63 respondents. Sampling using <em>accidental technique</em> and data collection was done using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the Chi-square test. The results showed that the characteristics of respondents who did not perform IVA test were mostly &lt; 40 years old, low education, not working, less knowledge, less attitude, with distance to health facilities &lt; 3 KM, low information exposure, less support from husbands and health workers. Factors affecting PUS not conducting IVA tests include low education, knowledge, attitudes, information sources, husband support, and health worker support with a p-value &lt;0.05, no influence was found between age and occupation with PUS not conducting IVA tests. It is expected that PUS increase awareness to conduct IVA tests to detect cervical cancer early.</p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PEPPERMINT AROMATHERAPY IS EFFECTIVE TO REDUCE NAUSEA AND VOMITING IN TRIMESTER I OF PREGNANT WOMEN AT SELAMAT CLINIC MEDAN CITY 2024-03-28T03:24:13+00:00 Sukaisi Zuraidah <p><em>Nausea and vomiting are common in early pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting in pregnant women have physical and psychological effects, including affecting the lives of pregnant women which have an impact on the quality of life of pregnant women. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of peppermint aromatherapy to reduce nausea and vomiting in first trimester pregnant women. Methods The type of research is analytical research with a quasi-experimental design. This study distinguishes the degree of nausea and vomiting in pregnant women in the first trimester before receiving peppermint aromatherapy treatment and after receiving treatment. Measurement of nausea and vomiting with the PUQE questionnaire. Respondents were divided into two groups, the intervention group and the control group, with 25 respondents each. Assess homogeneity with Mann Whitney, assess effectiveness with Wilcoxon.</em></p> <p><em>The intervention group after being given aromatherapy had mild nausea and no nausea. The control group before and after the intervention had a moderate degree of dominance. The degree of vomiting in the intervention group before being given aromatherapy generally vomited with moderate degrees (15 people), mild degrees as many as 9 people and severe degrees of 1 person. After being given aromatherapy, the degree of vomiting became mild as many as 8 people and there was also no vomiting. the control group before being given the intervention obtained moderate degrees of vomiting (13 people) and 12 people mild. After the intervention, the degree of vomiting became moderate (17 people), the degree of mild was 7 people and the degree of severe was 1 person. There was a significant difference in PUQE scores for nausea and vomiting between before and after the intervention in the two groups with a p value of &lt;0.05. Peppermint aromatherapy is effective in relieving nausea and vomiting in first trimester pregnant women</em></p> 2024-03-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024